Monday, April 30, 2012

Rainin' Macarena

Rained today in Kuwait. After an entire day in dusty/hazy/humid heat it was wonderful to hear the rain pelting against the windows this afternoon. Of course, in good ol' desert style, it rained hard... for about 10 minutes. Then it was done. Still, it was a welcome reminder that it actually is spring right now in most of the rest of the world. :)

In other news, the Macarena is still playing in taxis in Kuwait. Makes for the perfect soundtrack to accompany the Kuwaiti men revving their engines and trying to egg the taxi into a race. Also makes the perfect soundtrack to near death when the taxi driver decides to speed up to 70 to get to the roundabout dodging through traffic. Lesson? The Macarena makes awful experiences...laughable. Got to love terrible 90's music (and hazardous driving).

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I love the conversations my friends and I get into; everything from the benefits of mosquito saliva to the propper use of the world Y'all. Conversation tonight branched from local gossip to school news to Middle East politics to UN policies to US diplomatic relations with brief stopovers in old testament history and world religions.
Love my life and love the friends here with whom I can have such unguarded and intellectually stimulating conversations. Thank you ladies! I will miss these conversations next year.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Thought for the day.

Actions speak louder than words.
However, God does not look to our actions or our words but to our heart.
Let love pour fourth and justice flow and right actions and words will naturally come.
The world will judge us by our actions. God will judge our very motivations.