Sunday, June 3, 2012

Started anothr story. We will see if I ever finish any of them. ;)

My lady, you must help us. His armies march upon our lands. Our villages burn as we speak. We may not survive this fortnight. You must help us. March with us. Join the battle. Let it be like the days of old.
Alas, I feel for your suffering but I  cannot do what you ask.
Cannot or will not
Both, I suppose from your way of looking at it. There is much that you do not understand and many parts of the legends that you do not know.
Like that part where you were a bloody coward?
Be still. Do not display your ignorance further. You came seeking my aid and you shall have it. Just not in the way you imagined.
I apologize for his rashness my lady. He feels strongly the deaths of our people. He means no disrespect.
We all feel death strongly. However, I will not lead my people to war. More death will not ease anyone’s suffering.
Then you condemn us to die!
Keep a civil tongue before she denies us help completely. My lady, may I ask why you are unwilling to join the fray?
I suppose your companion would call it cowardice, though I would call it prudence. I will not condemn both our peoples to death at the hands of that fiend. My borders are well protected as you have seen and he cannot at this present time harm us here. I will not leave my people unprotected.
Then we are surely without hope.
You are never without hope. Here is my plan if you will agree to it. I will summon what warriors I can spare, men and women of courage and might to accompany you back to your people and to aid you in your cause. They will bring with them this hope that your people so desperately need. They cannot win the war. Not alone. But if your people rally around them there is hope indeed.
However, there is a second part of the plan. Even should hope not prove to be enough I do not intend to let _____ win. We will not let him destroy all we have worked for. We will not let your people or mine be wiped out. When you rejoin your king you must choose 20 children. 10 girls and 10 boys of a young enough age not to become embittered by the deaths of those they love, and five adults to care for them. These adults must be well equipped for child rearing and knowledgeable in the culture of your people. The kind of people who can be mother’s and teachers of this new generation. These 25 souls I will guard with my very last breath if need be. They will be given sanctuary in my lands for as long as they need it. If the battle goes ill your people will live on. They will take up your banner again, and they will face this evil in the next generation and the next until our foe is utterly destroyed. That is the aid that I offer.
I hardly know what to say my lady!
There is nothing to say. It is generous beyond your comprehension, and yet it is not what you wished for. But it is what it is and in time you may come to understand the wisdom of the plan.
How many soldiers are we to expect?
They are at the door. I suggest you prepare for your departure. Time is not on your side.
Eisle, call them in.
This is my general, Tarai. He will lead these brave warriors into battle alongside you. I will not hinder them no matter how much I wish it.
You wish to withhold the aid you promise?
Would not you? Tarai is my son. My only son. He goes willingly to fight by your side.
Eisle will accompany you. She will bring back those who are chosen.
You expect us to furnish this party of women and children with guards? All our soldiers will be needed for the battle.
Yes. They shall. Eisle will  guide the women and children back here unaccompanied.
Then you do not mean for the innocents to make it here alive.
Do not doubt me so quickly. Or the ability of those I choose. I knew of your visit before you even thought of it and have trained these volunteers well.
Now be gone. Time rushes on with our without you and your king grows desperate for you aid. Even as we speak the first waves of the enemy forces are breaking upon your battlements. You have no time to lose.
My lady.
May your feet move swiftly, your hope burn brightly, and your courage not falter. Have faith.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Giving Knowledge is Giving Power

After reading through recent news events regarding the group 'Anonymous' this past ramble seemed quite fitting. It is highly sarcastic, but hey, that's me. ;)

Once again, none of this is not meant as a serious portrayal of my beliefs, but a highly sarcastic and somewhat over dramatic commentary on power and those who try, through any means necessary, to attain it.
Giving knowledge is giving power. The best way to get power over a people is to restrict which knowledge they receive. This must be done subtly as downright denying access to knowledge tends to arouse suspicion and the masses may revolt. However by gradual watering down of the content of the information they receive one can actually appear to offer better education to the masses while rendering them less knowledgeable. By the same gradual process it is also possible to change the content of the information to better suit the purposes of those in power. History can be tweaked and given a certain perspective that puts recent developments in a better light. Psychology, and Biology are great friends to the person in pursuit of power as well. Teach people about the body and minds of others as something to be studied, not as something to be respected or revered. Sciences in general are important in this endeavor as they greatly assist in compartmentalizing and desensitizing of bonds of humanity and morality. By the end of a very short period of time, the pursuit of knowledge can be so molded as to become nothing more than a donkey forever chasing a carrot. Those under your charge will be trained to chase after success without ever gaining anything meaningful from it. They will become compliant workers with low expectations of personal worth. In this way you will not take power, but have it handed to you. People in this situation need a ruler.
To further attain your goals there are further steps to take. The above process will be a great beginning, but there will still be a relatively high chance of a person or persons taking their education into their own hands and thus corrupting your work. It is therefore necessary to pollute the knowledge base so completely that when searching for a book/magazine/article on any given topic there is at least five times the chance of coming across the ideas that you would prefer they believe. Over time slowly weed out those that have contrary messages. It is important not to take them all at the beginning, as once again this would cause alarm and would provide opportunity for rebellion. As the texts are considered obsolete they will be gladly tossed aside. This will be especially easy for texts on science, philosophy, social sciences. It will be a bit trickier with history and religion since the texts they cling to are so very old and so filled with contrary ideas. These, rather than attempting to pry from rebellious fingers (which always provides far to much attention and commendation to the person troubling you), simply make irrelevant, outdated, unwanted. Slowly poison the minds of those learning.
This can be achieved most easily through popular culture and the media. Flippant remarks about the irrelevance of these subjects to their lives will work well, but even better is the demonizing of those who hold to these beliefs. Movies in which religious fanatics torture and kill will serve your purpose well. News of them cracking and going on maniacal rampages (someone must get hurt badly as well) will help as well in making people who cling to these ideas seem the outsiders that they are. The best however, will be parodies. Simply mock them. Make them appear backward and behind. No one wants to appear behind.  This will be more easily achieved through comedy shows, sitcoms, late night news anchors, comic strips, etc… Make sure not to directly insult, however, as once again this gets the insulted to much attention and might bring them sympathizers. The objective is to make it as unattractive as possible while giving as little information as possible.
Now that I have briefly covered some basic strategies for the control of knowledge, let us move on to motivation.
It is incredibly difficult to motivate a person who is content. Thus contentedness is one of your most powerful weapons. This requires food, work hours that are long enough to leave them with little free time, but short enough to make them feel lucky to be in their position, stable lifestyles, money, ways to squander the money, and a sense of freedom. Let people believe they can do whatever they want and more time then not they will chose to do nothing. Look at a college student’s idea of a day off. They sleep till noon, spend two hours preparing themselves for the day, refuse to better their mind or body, eat till they are ready to puke, drink till they are ready to puke, and then collapse back into bed. This is their idea of freedom. Use this against them. Tell them they are free to make their own decisions. Insist that you will not interfere in their business except to improve their working conditions, increase their pay, lower their taxes, reform their health care, and revitalize their education. All of the above, you will do. This is important. The people are not quite stupid enough not to notice a lack of change. Therefore you must change things continually until they lose track of what changes have been made. Start with education. Insist on more testing. Testing encourages mindless repetition. It keeps students busy, gives the illusion of learning, and promotes an unhealthy focus on arbitrary number assignments. This is what you want. Once you have parental permission to sort students by ‘knowledge’ or ‘ability’ then they have given you the right to do with their children as you will. They will seldom again bug you about what you teach their child as long as his/her test scores show him/her to be smarter than the average child.
After you have ‘reformed’ education, move on to health care. Health care is essential. Only after taking over health care can you neutralize the growing debt that you face. People will pay anything when they feel that their health and safety are on the line.  Therefore offer cheap healthcare that is inconvenient, in order to prove to the masses that you have lowered the cost of healthcare. Then offer alternatives to this healthcare that are substantially more expansive. Rather than waiting in line for two months for treatment of a condition and paying X amount of money, a person will, if the means are attainable, pay several times that price for immediate treatment, especially if this treatment is from a ‘prestigious’ clinic, or a ‘respected’ doctor.  Therefore, in order to ‘encourage the use of this new and innovative medical system,’ tax doctors and clinics that choose to remain outside of its control. This will drive their costs up, thus driving their prices up, and thus providing you with more tax dollars through their practice. This alone will be able to fuel a large amount of the ‘medical reform’ cheap healthcare. However it will not be enough. It is essential to decrease your population base. You must decrease the amount of elderly. The elderly will give you the most problems with all these changes anyway, so their loss will be minimal to your success. However they take up a huge amount of the medical spending on the exorbitant amount of prescriptions that they take and procedures that they require just to keep them going. This will be most easily remedied by the moving of the elderly population into ‘care centers.’ Nothing kills off the elderly so fast as being forgotten, useless, and bored literally to death. Remove them from all who profess to care for them and they will drop like flies.
Keep your public entertained (since they always need a good bit of drama and gossip to get them through the day), with celebrity scandals, and well publicized murders. Scape goats will often get you out of a pickle. If the populace gets restless stir up a good bit of drama and then come in and clean it up. You will be applauded the hero no matter if you started the mischief or not.
The media will be incredibly important to have on your side. Flatter them, pay them if necessary. They are crucial to your success. A well publicized scandal has ruined many a promising politician. If it becomes necessary, find more extreme ways to  keep your secrets, however if you give the media no reason to distrust you or dislike you and give them plenty of stories on your positive side you may be able to keep them from looking at all. As every powerful politician in history has learned, there are those who seek, and they often find. Bury your secrets deep, and bury the secret keepers with them. Place yourself in the media spotlight whenever the occasion requires with a smile on your face and some well practiced compliments and you will win their hearts. However much you may want to disagree with me here, trust me that appearance is everything. This most definitely includes your physical appearance. Makeovers are your friend. Get well tailored clothing. Cover the grey, at least at first, and practice that smile in front of the mirror. If you cannot convince your wait staff then you will not convince the media. You may think that getting rid of media all together would be an easier course of action but trust me when I say that this is a mistake. The established media is so eager to win your favor that with time and patience you will have them eating out of your hand and they will almost singlehandedly convince your entire populace of your good intentions and of their desire to back you in your every efforts. Get rid of the media and you will have sniper media on call and at the ready. They will come out of the woodwork and fade back into it with impossible cunning and speed, they will be unplacateable, they will find the skeletons in your closet and unearth and bring them to light. They will counter your every move with malcontent and will stir up the populace making them untrusting. As with knowledge, if you make it appear easy for them to access then they will stop looking so hard. Make sure to appear whenever possible in the company of animals, women, and children (at the beginning) to make yourself seem relatable and attractive. The media will suck it up. They will follow you around like puppies as long as you continue to give them stories. As you progress, however, you must abandon the facade of the family man and take up the mantel of the true leader. Everyone loves the family man, but they revere the strong leader. Once you have the media completely hooked, move towards the more powerful, lone, figure that inspires obedience.

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence. -Abraham Lincoln

Monday, May 14, 2012

Oh, my child.

Oh, my child.
You look at me and see age. I look and see a child.
You look at me and see strength. I look and see weakness.
You look at me and see bravery. I look and see fear.
You look at me and see wisdom. I look and see a fool
No, my child, it is not I who is old and strong, brave and wise.
Let us look together at the one who is, and together we will learn from Him.
For, while I am a few steps closer to old age then you, I am still a beginner on this life long journey of discovery, growth, and exploration.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Rainin' Macarena

Rained today in Kuwait. After an entire day in dusty/hazy/humid heat it was wonderful to hear the rain pelting against the windows this afternoon. Of course, in good ol' desert style, it rained hard... for about 10 minutes. Then it was done. Still, it was a welcome reminder that it actually is spring right now in most of the rest of the world. :)

In other news, the Macarena is still playing in taxis in Kuwait. Makes for the perfect soundtrack to accompany the Kuwaiti men revving their engines and trying to egg the taxi into a race. Also makes the perfect soundtrack to near death when the taxi driver decides to speed up to 70 to get to the roundabout dodging through traffic. Lesson? The Macarena makes awful experiences...laughable. Got to love terrible 90's music (and hazardous driving).

Thursday, April 12, 2012


I love the conversations my friends and I get into; everything from the benefits of mosquito saliva to the propper use of the world Y'all. Conversation tonight branched from local gossip to school news to Middle East politics to UN policies to US diplomatic relations with brief stopovers in old testament history and world religions.
Love my life and love the friends here with whom I can have such unguarded and intellectually stimulating conversations. Thank you ladies! I will miss these conversations next year.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Thought for the day.

Actions speak louder than words.
However, God does not look to our actions or our words but to our heart.
Let love pour fourth and justice flow and right actions and words will naturally come.
The world will judge us by our actions. God will judge our very motivations.

Friday, March 23, 2012


It's been a while since the last post. Life has a habit of continuing whether I choose to write about it or not. So, a few things that have happened since I last wrote:
1. I have booked my flight 'home' this summer.
2. I have found out that 'home' is moving.
3. I have booked my flight to Korea next year.
4. I have (yet again) finished report cards.
5. I have taken a field trip (with over 200 students) to see the Lorax! (super cute movie)
6. I have almost made it to Spring Break (4 school days and Parent conferences to go).
7. I have started reading a new series.
That about sums it up.
Life is moving on and I'm enjoying the ride. God seems to be trying to teach me how to roll with the punches this year and I hope my performance hasn't been too dismal. I'm loving my class and getting a bit excited about next year at the same time.
Life is good.
That's all for now, I'll try not to wait a month before the next one. Maybe even fill in some of the gaps left in this update. ;)

Monday, February 13, 2012

When it rains it pours...

I've often heard the phrase, and have previously felt the truth of the statement, but it seems I am in for a reminder course. A couple of weeks ago I found out that my grandmother was diagnosed with bone cancer in her hip and rib. While she is a strong and optimistic woman she is in obvious pain and the disease and treatment are painful to both the body and the spirits. As I was adapting to this news my students decided to throw me a curve ball to re-arrest my attention. That incident was mentioned below in which students decided to say incredibly inappropriate comments to each other. Parents and admin stepped in and by yesterday things seemed to finally balance back out. It was an awesome day with sunny skies (rather then the dull grey we had been living with for a week or two), a brisk morning walk, excellent behavior from students, productivity at work, and even cookies and muffins baked when I got my next hurdle.
A Skype message was flashing for my attention as I came to turn up the tunes for my baking endeavors and the message shattered my exuberant productivity with news of my fathers admittance into the emergency room for severe heart pain. The rather abrupt message (left in haste by my brother who had ran to retrieve some medications to take to my father at the hospital) justifiably left me shaken. For about thirty minutes I handled the news quite well getting a tray of cookies out, putting a tray in, calling and waking up (and filling in) my sister, and in general pretending that I had important things to be doing. Then I sat still for a few minutes and started thinking about the situation. Mistake. I began to get frantic, jumped on Skype and called my mom. Almost as soon as I heard her voice I was in tears and hearing my dad tell me he loved me then hand the phone back to my mom saying he was in pain and couldn't talk right now put me over the edge. The ambulance arrived to transport mom and dad to another hospital and I was left alone again, half way around the world, with no idea what was going on and no way to help. Thankfully a couple amazing friends showed up and kept me well entertained with positive energy for the rest of the evening.
This morning I got up to good news that dad's chest pain had subsided and that things were looking good. They were going to take him in for an angeogram in 8 hours and I had work to take my mind off things.The day was interesting enough and busy enough to keep my mind occupied. Between colleague differences of opinion, planning, and teaching, there were no dull moments. The day was almost over and ... you guessed it... curve ball.
Standing outside the door after my 3 hour planning meeting (for the last 3 hours all 4th grade teachers including myself and the curriculum coordinator were in a meeting planning our next 6 week unit while substitute teachers were teaching our classes) were four of my best behaved students who immediately started bawling as I approached. Not exactly normal behavior, so I was obviously concerned. I asked what was going on and they got frantically upset. Amid sobs I deciphered that they had done something really bad, they were so sorry, and they knew they were going to be in so much trouble, someone else was taking the blame, and they shouldn't have done it, they were sorry, and they were convinced they were going to be suspended. As I attempted to sort though this latest drama amid choking sobs I discovered the supply teacher, the vice principal, and the parents of one of the four girls' victims in an incredibly charged discussion in the doorway of my classroom. After about 30 minutes of interrogation and piecing together of stories the vice principal, councilor, and I had finally painted a rather accurate picture of a rather childish moment of vengeance that had not been handled well by the poor overwhelmed supply teacher and had escalated into the zoo that it had become.
Needless to say, this situation will take a few days to finish dealing with and die down as it still involves some rather sincere apologies to the second victim that have not been said yet and likely some more parent drama. I just hope that the next hurdle has the decency to wait till I have successfully cleared these most recent two. ;)

Upside? Life certainly hasn't been boring lately! A whole unit was planned today. All four girls have punished themselves far better then I ever could have. And the biggest trouble maker from the previous incident has been better behaved today then in the last 3 months!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Time for Intervention

This last week it has become completely normal for students to be saying completely inappropriate things to each other in my class. Yesterday reached a peak at which they crossed the line. It's one thing to mock each others names say that someone smells, call someone a vampire, or to say that someone is going to jump off a building, those are all bad enough (in varying degrees) and resulted in some rather interesting conversations and notes sent home afterwards, however, yesterday topped it all with two boys telling a girl of mine that she and another boy were going to go on a date and afterwards she was going to suck his ____. Even at home that would be appallingly mature in fourth grade, but in a culture where even saying that they were going on a date is the height of insult to her honor the later part of that phrase was far below the belt. Of course drastic action was taken, admin involved, parents contacted, etc...
This week it has become quite obvious that something about the classroom environment since winter break is not working. Talking to perpetrators about their choices, coming up with solutions and consequences, before break it worked like a charm. Now nothing seems to be working. So... today we are having an intervention.
Today my class is going to spend the day saying nice things about each other. It will start with their morning work where they will have to turn their brains on and think about who in their class is the most respectful, kind, studious, they will have to decide who is the best listener, best communicator, and best bully hero (someone who stands up for others who are being mistreated). Once they have decided what each person in the class is best at then they will have to tell each person in class what they like best about them. We will continue the theme throughout the day culminating with writing and signing new agreements about behavior, choices, and concsequences that, once signed, will be sent home for parents to view, sign, and return.
We may not get through much content today, but this has been a long time in coming and fingers crossed it just might help.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Men in Kuwait have a most annoying habit of behaving like complete skeezes. Now I'm not saying all Kuwaiti men are like this. In fact the parents of my students are lovely individuals who would never engage in such inappropriate or annoying behavior. However, there is a population of men that give all of them a bad name. It is commonly known among western women here that you cannot walk down gulf road during the day without having at least one marriage proposal screamed at you from the window of a passing jag/vet/hummer or an average of about fifteen horn salutes per hour. Now these are annoying enough, but with iPods, sunglasses, and counting to ten every block or so it is possible to get home with no permanent damage done. However, there are some that go beyond rediculous and childish to completely inappropriate. 37709 was one of these.
While walking along the gulf today with a friend we noticed a tan suburban shadowing us. Of course, being fairly savy individuals we are we quietly altered course and went somewhere a suburban can't go (around some buildings on the non-road side). We were so happy to be away from the shady situation that it took us about two minutes to realize that green sweatshirt was tailing us about five feet behind with a ridiculous grin plastered on his face. A death glare soon got rid of him but by this time our path was once again nearing the road and what did we see? That's right, a tan suburban. Waiting. As we passed his spot in the parking lot he revved it up to a whole... 2 miles per hour to keep pace with us. We quickly darted into the mall area where vehicles once again cannot follow. There being only one direction from there it's not hard to imagine what happened next. That's right. He met up with us again on the other side. After darting through parking lots and eventually jumping through bushes to get away from his persistent laps that he insisted on continually driving around us we thought we had finally ditched him. We were now on a main road with lots of traffic. Mistake. Waiting for us circling the next intersection was tan suburban. We were fed up, cranky, and dirty from our encounter with the bushes, so when he pulled out and continued his 2 mile an hour pace right along side us (in traffic) I pulled out my phone bluffed a call to the police, and memorized his license plate number. 37709. He got out of there. Fast. Let's just say if I ever see that tan suburban coming towards me again mister 37709 may find himself having a less then friendly interview with the local authorities.
I don't believe we were actually ever in real danger. If he intended to harm us there would have been no reason to tail us that long. However it is a sad statement that we were forced to walk home through the most densely populated streets we could find in fear of a tan suburban coming back and finding us on a deserted street. Let's just say my friend and I were cranky. Very cranky. It would have been one thing (though still not excusable) if we had been dressed provocatively, however we were both covered from wrists to toes, high collars, and even had our hoods up against the wind. You could hardly see our faces let alone anything else. We were obviously NOT inviting attention. Considering purchasing a taser...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Tigers in Trash Cans

Now let me start by saying that, this is not a rant on animal welfare or city garbage disposal systems.
The other day as I was coming down the steps at school I happened to look out over the wall and saw the strangest sight. Down the block a man was standing next to one of the large industrial dumpsters (the kind that seem to sit on every street corner and parking lot in this city). At his feet was the limp form a large orange and white tiger. The animal was draped over the curb like rubbish bags, and as I glanced back, the man heaved the limp form over his head and hurled it into the trash can. I was immediately shocked and angry. It wasn’t until the tiger was almost in the dumpster that I realized that the creature was a tad more limp then a being with a spine could possibly be.
As it turned out it was a life size stuffed animal that was being tossed out. Why on earth a person would want a life size stuffed tiger is beyond me, and why, especially, when that person lives in a tiny apartment where said tiger would half take up the bedrooms… space and logic aside, my anger instantly disappeared, and I laughed all the way to my next meeting. The real point, however, was that I could have walked away after the first glimpse with a rather exciting tale but a sadly misinformed perspective. Often it takes more than a cursory glance to truly understand a situation, and often anger, while seemingly justified, could easily be turned aside if one takes the time to delve a bit deeper into understanding the situation.