Saturday, February 4, 2012


Men in Kuwait have a most annoying habit of behaving like complete skeezes. Now I'm not saying all Kuwaiti men are like this. In fact the parents of my students are lovely individuals who would never engage in such inappropriate or annoying behavior. However, there is a population of men that give all of them a bad name. It is commonly known among western women here that you cannot walk down gulf road during the day without having at least one marriage proposal screamed at you from the window of a passing jag/vet/hummer or an average of about fifteen horn salutes per hour. Now these are annoying enough, but with iPods, sunglasses, and counting to ten every block or so it is possible to get home with no permanent damage done. However, there are some that go beyond rediculous and childish to completely inappropriate. 37709 was one of these.
While walking along the gulf today with a friend we noticed a tan suburban shadowing us. Of course, being fairly savy individuals we are we quietly altered course and went somewhere a suburban can't go (around some buildings on the non-road side). We were so happy to be away from the shady situation that it took us about two minutes to realize that green sweatshirt was tailing us about five feet behind with a ridiculous grin plastered on his face. A death glare soon got rid of him but by this time our path was once again nearing the road and what did we see? That's right, a tan suburban. Waiting. As we passed his spot in the parking lot he revved it up to a whole... 2 miles per hour to keep pace with us. We quickly darted into the mall area where vehicles once again cannot follow. There being only one direction from there it's not hard to imagine what happened next. That's right. He met up with us again on the other side. After darting through parking lots and eventually jumping through bushes to get away from his persistent laps that he insisted on continually driving around us we thought we had finally ditched him. We were now on a main road with lots of traffic. Mistake. Waiting for us circling the next intersection was tan suburban. We were fed up, cranky, and dirty from our encounter with the bushes, so when he pulled out and continued his 2 mile an hour pace right along side us (in traffic) I pulled out my phone bluffed a call to the police, and memorized his license plate number. 37709. He got out of there. Fast. Let's just say if I ever see that tan suburban coming towards me again mister 37709 may find himself having a less then friendly interview with the local authorities.
I don't believe we were actually ever in real danger. If he intended to harm us there would have been no reason to tail us that long. However it is a sad statement that we were forced to walk home through the most densely populated streets we could find in fear of a tan suburban coming back and finding us on a deserted street. Let's just say my friend and I were cranky. Very cranky. It would have been one thing (though still not excusable) if we had been dressed provocatively, however we were both covered from wrists to toes, high collars, and even had our hoods up against the wind. You could hardly see our faces let alone anything else. We were obviously NOT inviting attention. Considering purchasing a taser...