Friday, June 3, 2011

Cannot Wait

As is probably apparent, May was a blur of activity, both at work and at play. May saw full scale drama performances in my classroom, a field trip to the Science Discover Center, Writing of biographies and autobiographies, Math study of angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, 3-D shapes, and volume. It saw me to the Failaka Islands, to numerous grading 'parties' at Starbucks and Caribou, to concerts and assemblies. But most of May is a blur. Someone, somewhere pressed the fast forward button. And now it is June. And June will fly past just as fast. I have reports and conferences behind me. Class lists are ready for next year. All assessments and summatives are complete. I have 2 days left with my students, 1 week left in this city, and then the summer adventures begin.
I am VERY eagerly awaiting the 11th when we fly out to Frankfurt. It will be my first time sightseeing around Europe, and I have a great group of people to travel with. We will see Frankfurt, Berlin, Bavaria, Munich, Heidleberg, and the Eagle's Nest in Germany and travel on to Poland for Krakow and Auschwitz. It will be a wonderful trip full of contrasts. We will see the beauty and tranquility of nature in spring, the lively bustle of modern cities, the awe inspiring historic grandeur of cathedrals and castles, and the somber reminder of the dark history that once gripped this region. It will be a trip that inspires and gives pause for reflection. And it is a trip that begins in one week.
And just to make sure that things keep getting better, I leave Germany to go home! I get to see my family members and almost immediately jump into a cross country trip to see extended family and friends. The whirlwind will continue taking the rest of June and even into the begining of July where, hopefully, the world will slow down enough to catch my breath before spinning me back into another year of adventure this August.
Summer is almost here.
Bring it on.


  1. It sounds like you have a very exciting trip ahead. Sorry we will be gone before you get home. I'm so glad you have done such a great job of updating us on FB - it feels like I am traveling vicariously through you - thanks for showing me new sights!

    Jan J.

  2. Thanks Jan. I'm glad you have been enjoying the updates and sights! It has been an incredible journey thus far. :)
