Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hitler Dancing the Polka

On the heals of yesterdays 'good vs. evil' debate on a rather touchy subject (I mentioned that it is very controversial here to mention the name of Israel right? As in, not allowed. As in, it is blacked out of every map and globe and dictionary/encyclopedia in the country. Not to mention Jews, Jesus, or any related concept...) I was thrown yet another curve ball as a student decided it was time to talk about the Holocaust. The conversation started out innocently enough..."Are you afraid of anything? (Yes! Spiders.)... I'm afraid of the Holocaust. (I see. [panic!] Why is that?)... Well, one time I had a dream and I was taking a shower. And I stepped out of the shower and Hitler was dancing the polka." me: WHAT??? Of course after that someone mentioned reading the Diary of Anne Frank and how scary it was, and someone else wanted to know what exactly the holocaust was and then there was some masterful distraction tactics thrown out by yours truly so that I can keep my lovely little job. Not exactly where I thought that one was going to go, but they are certainly keeping me on my toes this year. I'm kind of hoping they keep the controversial topics coming. It is against the rules for me to mention them, but it is not against the rules for students too. I will have to keep cutting off and distracting (as that is what I am required to do) but often nothing looks more inviting then forbidden knowledge.

One has to wonder though... how on earth does an eight year old know what the polka is?

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