Saturday, February 5, 2011

Getting a little political...

It baffles me when people get so upset at the United States for it's 'Aggressive' 'Pushy' nature, and then site as examples of this all of the conflicts that we have gotten into that were none of our business.  The reason it baffles me is that it is generally accepted that Nazi Germany was none of our business. Sure, someday, when they had wiped out all of Europe and were coming for us it might have become our business, but how many Americans during the World War sat there and said, it's none of our business, we shouldn't interfere? Tons of them! And looking back I certainly hope most American's are proud of our countries contributions to ending the Holocaust. Is this the only example? Certainly not. America was considered a bully for jumping into the Korean Conflict before the UN gave the go ahead. Walk into South Korea today and they will tell you that the only reason the North did not conquer the entire peninsula was because of the American Soldiers. The UN arrived too late. The arrived in plenty of time to help, yes, but there would not have been a South Korea to help had the US not gotten there when they did. As homage to this the South Korean people in their Korean War Memorial Museum have dedicated an entire wing to those American soldiers who gave up their lives fighting for South Korea's freedom. This wing is equal in size and beauty to the wing dedicated to those from all other countries who joined with the UN. Looks like some people like it when the US intervenes.  Was it any of our business? Actually yes, yes it is. Any time out brothers and sisters around the world are being mistreated it is our responsibility and duty to stand up for them and protect them. If every country had that same philosophy maybe we would all start treating each other a bit better.
Look at schools. What is the anti bullying campaign right now? 'Say Something!' The entire point of this campaign is that when someone is treating people poorly you step in. You make them understand that what they are doing is wrong. If this is something we want every child to understand then it's something we need to live out loud.

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