Saturday, March 19, 2011

Intro that I used in my class last year to begin the study of the Old Testament ... it was a bit deep for the 11 year olds, but I still like it...

This book is not like other books that you read that are fun enjoyable tales with interesting characters, plot twists, and a bit of a moral if you dig real deep. It is not a how-to, or a comedy, a romance, or an adventure. It is not History, or Medicine, Commerce, or Ethics. No, this book is ALL of that but it is much, much more. It is truth. It is life. It is how all of this came to be and how all of this will end. It is the beginning and the end, what was and what is yet to come. It is instruction for how to live your life and an introduction to He who knit you together in your mother’s womb. This book is a book you could read a thousand times and never glean all of the wisdom that it carries. If you choose to read this book read well, look deep, and do not be deceived by those who will try to tell you that they fully understand its deep mysteries. 

Why then should you undertake such a task? Why delve into a book you will never fully understand? The weight of the world is on your shoulders. Come, meet the only one who can bear that burden. Start the journey that will lead you beyond the confines of this world and beyond the borders of this life.

Enter here.


  1. I really like your way with words. It had to spark at least alittle interest in their minds.

  2. Great thoughts. I love your blog! Thanks for sharing.

    Jan J
