Sunday, January 30, 2011

Contemplating... 'all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

There is a lot of truth to that statement. I know many people who don't know when to quit. They work, stress about work, finally agree to take a night off and spend it talking about work, etc... we all know the type. Now it is possible to enjoy your work so much that you look forward to going every day (or almost every day anyway), but, what these 'all work' people don't realize is that in order to look forward to going to work you actually have to step away from it, not just physically, but mentally too. You need those off times where you think, and talk about other topics, have other interests, enjoy other parts of your life. In order to be well balanced you need a multifaceted life where not all of your thoughts, energy, time, passion, and attention is focused on your career. Now I'm not saying that having a purpose or goal to your life is bad. You can move in the direction of your calling (pursue your vocation) while still taking a moment to enjoy the here and now. God has given us not just a divine purpose and calling, but he has aloud us to be surrounded by people who care about us (or at least by people who would be willing to care about us if we give them a chance), and positive enjoyable pastimes. He has given us talents, passions, traits that are not solely for what we see as our vocation or our career (even for those who are lucky enough to combine the two).

I'm rambling. I'm well aware of that, and I must say, you were warned, but think about it. When you think back to all of the moments that are unforgettable, the moments that matter, that made a difference in your life, how many of them involved work? How many of those moments were arrived at by sitting in a room by yourself engrossed in paperwork, spending hours grading assignments that no one cares about?

So, to all those 'all work' types out there: chill out! Take a break! Enjoy your weekend! And notice, the world will keep spinning even though you stopped for breath. Notice also that life is suddenly a lot more fun, full of possibilities, colors, sights, sounds. Let go of the arrogance of pretending that you are in control and enjoy the journey. The world will keep on turning (until it doesn't) and there is very little that you can do about it. The sun will continue to rise, and set. Time will tick past measuring the span of your life. So go, make those seconds, minutes, hours, days, years... count. Savor each minute, and make it matter. Cultivate those moments that are unforgettable.

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