Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Year - New Thoughts

As time goes rushing on we are faced with a choice, or several more accurately. We can cling to what was, race feverishly towards what may be, or embrace what is. So embrace this new year for what it is, an adventure. Moment by moment, step by step, with only a few feet at a time illuminated before you. Only God knows where the next step will take you. Take the leap, live the moment, make a difference, and watch the ripples of each action expand outward in an interwoven dance. Move forward, changed, not clinging to the past, not racing towards the future, but enjoying the journey, one step at a time.

As you make your resolutions this year throw out the mundane, tired, bored resolutions. No more resolutions about working out more often, getting more sleep, loosing or gaining weight; try a resolution that is a bit more inspiring. Find a cause you care about, or create one. Give your passion, energy, and enthusiasm a chance to add some direction and purpose to your life.

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